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Star Trek Into Darkness

I use it. So do the people that made STID.

Just kidding. I actually liked it.
Staaaaar TrekIntoDarkness is a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Don't know why people get so bent out of shape about it, particularly since none of the nextgen movies apart from First Contact were any good, DS9 was a bit of a soap opera yawn fest, Voyager was fun but a bit empty-headed and Enterprise was booooring. STID was flash bang zoom, had heart and character arcs, loads of stuff for the fans and although a bit of a formulaic story, it was delivered with flair.
(And whenever anyone says "it was a copy of Wrath of Khan" then I know they haven't even watched the film properly, let alone understood it (or even WoK itself). They're completely different, apart from the names of the characters. Some scenes are mirrored, yes, because this is a mirror universe and allows us to see such things as "what if Kirk and Spock faced Khan at the BEGINNING of their relationship, instead of the end. What if Khan is not the baddy we think he is, but has motivations like Kirk does - looking after his crew. It's great!) :)
SPOILERS AHEAD (though I would think at this point if you are viewing this board then you have seen the movie)

Overall, I did think it was pretty good. It's tough when movies are accused of copying The Dark Knight (Skyfall and Into Darkness for example), but it was an exciting grand adventure. I only had 2 main issues with the movie.

First issue I had was that I felt like we were again repeating the whole idea that Kirk doesn't have what it takes to be Captain and has to AGAIN prove himself. He did plenty of that first time around. This leads me to the second issue, the death scene. I get what they were trying to do by having it in a mirrored universe. I just didn't think it worked because the original one had so much heart and is a bit of a classic scene to Trek fans in my opinion. Maybe other don't feel that way, but to me it was like having Ilsa say "here's looking at you kid," to Rick or Scarlett telling Rhett, "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

The alternative in my mind and where I thought it was going.....since the movie wanted us to believe Kirk was getting cocky about being Captain, what better way for him to learn of his ways than by him losing his closest friend Spock who gave his life to save the crew? Kirk can then prove himself yet again, but this time him putting his own life on the line trying to go hand-to-hand with Khan in what is surely a suicide mission and then have it be some ploy to trick him so they could essentially get his blood to bring back Spock.

Maybe it would've played out that way if New Spock didn't have Old Spock on speed dial every time they get into a jam. I get that it's a mirror universe, but I didn't think that meant it was going to switch around some of the key moments. Maybe I'm just partial to Spock's death in Khan and how emotional it still gets me even after I haven't seen the full movie in years. I think I need to go watch it again!

Just firing an idea out there. Please be kind.
musiced921 said:
This leads me to the second issue, the death scene. I get what they were trying to do by having it in a mirrored universe.
Small but important distinction: there are theoretically infinite parallel universes in Trek, and thus an infinite number of "mirror" universes, but canonically speaking there's only been one "mirror" universe depicted so far, and this ain't it; this is rather an alternate reality. ;-)

musiced921 said:
I just didn't think it worked because the original one had so much heart and is a bit of a classic scene to Trek fans in my opinion. Maybe other don't feel that way
Oh, many of us feel that way. I'm not even a big fan of TWOK myself - it's a classic, no question, I just don't personally love it - but I feel I respect its place in Trek history and canon more than Abrams and his movie. ID's writers have admitted that the Harrison character was not originally intended to be Khan. For this and other reasons, I wish they hadn't made that change: apart from the TWOK history, Khan's just too wrapped up in problematic Eugenics Wars canon to mess with unless you're going to do something really great with him... which this was most certainly not.
Nic said:

Whoever edited that sucks. Flash frames and hard cuts up the wazoo.

I'm no trek fan, but i wouldn't mind a well told story set in that universe.

STID ain't it. 40 minutes into it, shit doesn't make sense. Giving up and moving on to another flick.
Yea, I blame thee not...

Trek XI Pike: "Get hired by Starfleet! We've lost our edge and need young, brash hotheads like you!"
STID Pike: "You're young, brash, and a hothead! You're fired!"

Minute for minute, the Half in the Bag review is superior. :p
Superior to what? If you mean the review is superior to the film, that doesn't make any sense. It's like saying a car is superior to a bar of soap.
TV's Frink said:
Superior to what? If you mean the review is superior to the film, that doesn't make any sense. It's like saying a car is superior to a bar of soap.

It makes perfect sense if one attempted to use a bar of soap as a means of transport.

That said, I also got more enjoyment from the HITB review than the film itself.
ssj said:
I'm no trek fan, but i wouldn't mind a well told story set in that universe.

STID ain't it. 40 minutes into it, shit doesn't make sense. Giving up and moving on to another flick.
Maybe that's the only reason why they just added it as free on Amazon Prime, and not even the first one.
TV's Frink said:
It's like saying a car is superior to a bar of soap.

You've obviously been using the wrong soap.
emanswfan said:
Maybe that's the only reason why they just added it as free on Amazon Prime, and not even the first one.

Well, in reality it has to do with the deal Epix has with both Amazon and Netflix. I understand it was probably more said for the joke than anything, but that's the true reason.
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