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Star Trek Into Darkness

Q2 said:
There is a place for it all.

I agree with this. If it creates interest in the ST universe, and gets people checking out other eras of the franchise than that is great. ST is pretty diverse. Personally, I love TOS, it's campy, but great. I never could get into TNG. Everyone has a different perspective. At the end of the day, all that matters is that we all love ST. :)
First Ever Trailer! Well teaser of the trailer...
and here is a japan one but with a little more stuff at the end.
That is one awesome trailer. The Japanese version makes me think Spock's gonna kick the bucket. Again. All I can say is I truly can't wait for this!
Assuming anyone dies at all, I reckon Pike is a much more likely choice. I'm hopeful this obvious reflection of the Spock/Kirk hands shot is in a completely different context. Maybe Khan and maybe dead Spock? No thanks, already done that.
The last shot with the hand is probably JJ Abrams trying to mess with us. Could be anyone, Could be Kirk on the death side and not spock, or even someone else. maybe noone dies.
Also i am still positive that it is Gary Mitchell but with some Khan elements added to him. Seriously tell me where do you see the connection:




Cumberbatch is wearing a starfleet uniform, something that khan never had any connection to unlike Gary Mitchell. Also, there is clearly a back storyhere between Kirk and the new bad guy and in the original canon Mitchell was a very good friend of Kirk from the academy that also served under him (hence the connection with the starfleet uniform). Also everyone seems to forget the character Alice Eve is playing. Elizabeth Dehner was also altered in the mission that gave Gary Mitchell Superhuman strength (and she was later important to the story). You honestly tell me you can't see the similarities here:


I am pretty darn sure it is Gary Mitchell with some added Khan elements to him and to the story to make him more menacing and to give it a new spin. But this trailer really killed to me any chance of seeing khan despite having some teases here and there. As i said, JJ Abrams with that last hand shot is probably trying to mess with us
Okay, I am STOKED!!! Great teaser!

It has me questioning Cumberbatch's role all over again.... that sneaky JJ!

His character could be wearing a Starfleet uniform to infiltrate the organization, he may not be an actual officer?

There are some definite nods to Khan, particularly that last shot in the Japanese trailer.

But honestly, I no longer care who Cumberbatch is playing, I just want to see this movie NOW!!!! LOL!

Hopefully, the 6 minute preview playing with The Hobbit Imax showings will go online to feed my Trek curiosity.:)
Seconded. I've never been this excited about Star Trek since they a) premiered TNG and b) when I saw XI at the cinema. That shot of the Enterprise crashing into San Francisco Bay actually shocked me. If anyone does die, who do you think it might be? That could be anyone's hands.
Saw the teaser today. And have to say that pretty pumped bout seeing this film now. Before, I was looking forward to it cause it's Star Trek (and it's Abram's Star Trek at that). Last time was this interested in seeing a movie was probably Star Trek in '09. Yeah, I looked forward to Dark Knight Rises. But was just looking forward to seeing Star Trek more mostly cause I knew that it was gonna be good. Now, I'm super pumped to see this film.
JetSetWilly said:
Seconded. I've never been this excited about Star Trek since they a) premiered TNG and b) when I saw XI at the cinema. That shot of the Enterprise crashing into San Francisco Bay actually shocked me. If anyone does die, who do you think it might be? That could be anyone's hands.

We don't know if that was the Enterprise crashing. It could be any Starfleet Constitution Class Starship.

I was thinking, that "Hand shot" could even be Cumberbatch himself. If he is Mitchell, and the writers adhere to some part of original timeline, then Kirk and Mitchell were best friends until Mitchell is altered/driven mad by Psi-powers, and Kirk has to reluctantly kill him to save his crew. So it could be something similar to that. Or not. LOL!

Maybe it is Chris Pike. That would make sense too. Kirk's father figure, his only real family, murdered by the villain, forcing him to fully embrace his destiny. It is classic Hero Journey stuff.

It just better not be Spock. I think that would be taking the Khan homage too far.
Plus, for the relaunching of a rebooted franchise, it just seems like a bad idea to me as I am sure Paramount wants to get a couple more movies out of these actors.
bionicbob said:
We don't know if that was the Enterprise crashing. It could be any Starfleet Constitution Class Starship.

I was thinking, that "Hand shot" could even be Cumberbatch himself. If he is Mitchell, and the writers adhere to some part of original timeline, then Kirk and Mitchell were best friends until Mitchell is altered/driven mad by Psi-powers, and Kirk has to reluctantly kill him to save his crew. So it could be something similar to that. Or not. LOL!

Maybe it is Chris Pike. That would make sense too. Kirk's father figure, his only real family, murdered by the villain, forcing him to fully embrace his destiny. It is classic Hero Journey stuff.

It just better not be Spock. I think that would be taking the Khan homage too far.
Plus, for the relaunching of a rebooted franchise, it just seems like a bad idea to me as I am sure Paramount wants to get a couple more movies out of these actors.

I think that it's probably more than just Paramount that wants to get a couple more movies out of these actors. Think everyone wants more movies out of these actors.

I think be pretty sweet if it was the Enterprise crashing. Though, that happened quite a bit in the TNG movies where they had something happen that would destroy part of the ships and such. So if it was another Starfleet ship that crashes. It would help build up the BAness of Cumberbatch's character.
bionicbob said:
I was thinking, that "Hand shot" could even be Cumberbatch himself. If he is Mitchell, and the writers adhere to some part of original timeline, then Kirk and Mitchell were best friends until Mitchell is altered/driven mad by Psi-powers, and Kirk has to reluctantly kill him to save his crew. So it could be something similar to that.

This is exactly what I was thinking.
Q2 said:
I still have a hard time watching TOS. I just find it too corny. However, I did grow up waching TNG and recently re-watched the entire series and found it quite entertaining. I tried to follow that with DS9 and only made it 6 episodes or so. Found that very boring. I hope to give TOS another shot though one day.

I have gone on the record quite a few times stating DS9 is my absolute favorite incarnation of Star Trek. But like all the various series, it usually takes a season or two before the writers get a handle on what they want the show to be about. In particular with DS9, it took almost 2 full seasons before they made a final decision on SISKO, on what makes this character tick, what drives and motivates him. But once they did, the rest of the show began to gel, and seasons 3 to 6 are absolutely brilliant television.

What I love about the show, it is about what happens "after the starship warps away" at the end of each episode. This show is really about consequences. It is also highly serialized and the most character driven Trek series ever. If you have the patience, and stick with the series, I think you will feel rewarded.;)
steelio2006 said:
I think be pretty sweet if it was the Enterprise crashing. Though, that happened quite a bit in the TNG movies where they had something happen that would destroy part of the ships and such. So if it was another Starfleet ship that crashes. It would help build up the BAness of Cumberbatch's character.

Watching the trailer for the fourth time now... I guess it could be the Enterprise.

The villain attacks, the Enterprise crashes, all appears doomed, then the Enterprise heroically rises from the depths to save the day!
ThrowgnCpr said:
This is exactly what I was thinking.

Looking closely though that appears to be a BLUE Duty uniform on the other side of the glass partition...?
bionicbob said:
Looking closely though that appears to be a BLUE Duty uniform on the other side of the glass partition...?

yeah, and the fingers appear to be forming a Vulcan salute...
The vilain looks like he have pointy hears or is it just me?
(or maybe it's the anatomy of the actor, lol)
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