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Star Trek Into Darkness

TMBTM said:
The vilain looks like he have pointy hears or is it just me?
(or maybe it's the anatomy of the actor, lol)

Pointy hears? :p

Weren't Klingon's suppose to be in this one?
Q2 said:
Pointy hears? :p

Weren't Klingon's suppose to be in this one?

finger's crossed that they aren't!
about the klingons:


Benedict Cumberbatch character stands on Klingon building (note lettering on side) and leaps high into the air and down towards awaiting Klingon – dead bodies are also seen on ground in upper photo

g1orkatsos said:
First Ever Trailer! Well teaser of the trailer...

Wow, thanks for posting this; this is clearly a very different Trek compared to what it was before the '09 relaunch, and that's not a bad thing at all.
Does anyone get a Project Genesis vibe out of the trailer or am i just being paranoid? We have that vibrant alien looking world at 0:13 and then we have that destruction from lava at 0:30. It doesn't look that either shot is taking place on earth, and the ground looks quite similar in both shots (both texture and color). Could that be a new world that was created with the Genesis Device on a dead planet (like in Wrath of Khan), and the lava shot is from that same planet while self destructing (like in Search for Spock)?
Don't get me wrong, I loved Star Trek '09, but I always thought it was more of a Star Wars movie than a Star Trek one (if that makes sense). I was hoping that the sequel would get a bit more into 'Trek' territory (especially after Nimoy's last narration in Star Trek '09), but it seems to be going deeper into the 'Wars' territory. At least, I feel like that after the trailer. It may still be a very good movie, but if it's still as much Star Wars as it is, I'll be kinda disappointed.
I don't get the Star Wars vibe in any way. Star Wars is about politics and the epic scope through generations of people. It is a giant story told in acts. Star Trek TOS is about the character interaction between Kirk, Spock, and Bones. It's a drama and action show. It's about fist fights. and outsmarting your opponents. Just because it has pretty graphics doesn't make it a Star Wars film. Everyone claiming it isn't 'Trek' seem to be asking for TNG/DS9, and JJ is giving us TOS. I though 09 was remarkably faithful to TOS while still giving us up to date action and effects.

09 barely had any space battle. Kirk's dad died, and there was a little bit of pew pew at the end of the movie. The Star Trek movies are often much more based on action than the philosophy, science, and humanism of the tv show. I saw 09 as a return to the roots of TOS, which is at heart a drama. 09 was all about how Kirk and Spock become friends.

If anything I get an Avengers/Loki/British-Godvillain vibe.
My favourite Star Trek TOS movies are 4 and 6. Which have barely any action at all in them, and are more about the philosophy and humanism of the tv show.

And while I deeply enjoyed Kirk's and Spock's character arcs in the 09 movie (and I LOVE Chris Pine as Kirk), I want more of what I liked in the tv show.

PS. I never watched any Star Trek other than TOS and the TOS-related movies, so my opinion on ST (and comparison between what I think ST is and what I think of the 09 movie) is based solely on those, not TNG/DS9/Voyager/Enterprise (haven't seen any episodes of any of those).
FWIW, I am a TOS guy, and my favorite film is TMP, but I loved ST09.

ThrowgnCpr said:

I didn't I notice the fingers before. Either JJ is fucking with us or GDISM.
I think he is fucking with us. It's a big move to put something iconic like that in a trailer, and he knows people are going to dissect it. I think it was to get everyone worked up and excited. #success
total success!

But if someone is going to bite it with a blue uniform it will be blond girl imo
TMP? For the record, I think TMP is one of the worst star trek movies. Bottom 4 for sure.

I agree the Blonde will die sacrificing herself to weaken the bad guy.
Farlander said:
My favourite Star Trek TOS movies are 4 and 6. Which have barely any action at all in them, and are more about the philosophy and humanism of the tv show.

And while I deeply enjoyed Kirk's and Spock's character arcs in the 09 movie (and I LOVE Chris Pine as Kirk), I want more of what I liked in the tv show.

PS. I never watched any Star Trek other than TOS and the TOS-related movies, so my opinion on ST (and comparison between what I think ST is and what I think of the 09 movie) is based solely on those, not TNG/DS9/Voyager/Enterprise (haven't seen any episodes of any of those).

I think ever since Star Wars, Trek fans have tried to change the perception of Trek. Yes, it dealt with weighty subjects but it also was a fun space adventure. Kirk fighting the Gorn or "Balance of Terror" or even the mirror universe are among the fan favorites and at the core of those stories are just fun action and adventure stories. They may be a little more serious than the newer Trek movie, but they were also older and more experienced officers than we were presented recently.

Starting with The Next Generation, Trek got overly serious, as a way to combat Star Wars proposed adventure feeling, and in the process lost a lot of the fun and light-hearted aspects that made the original show so great. Hell, Picard rarely even called anyone by their first name, keeping things so rigid and by the book that it made the show feel stuffy at times.

The new film captured the fun of the original series while giving Trek the scope it has rarely achieved. I can see why people think they've gone even more towards the Star Wars like fantastical for the new film, but I think its hard to judge that by a one minute teaser. The nine minute preview in front of The Hobbit will likely be far more representative of how the film is and I'll wait for the reaction after next weekend to begin to set my expectations.
wabid said:
TMP? For the record, I think TMP is one of the worst star trek movies. Bottom 4 for sure.


Did I say it was the best? I said it was my favorite (though I think it's a damn good film). I think it's pretty well established that the ST community is pretty diverse stylistically, and in its fanbase.
Starting with The Next Generation, Trek got overly serious. The new film captured the fun of the original series while giving Trek the scope it has rarely achieved.


I like TNG a lot but it was definitely less 'fun' than TOS. 09 was the first Star Trek to really recapture that magic.

I for one am glad they appear to be making Into Darkness one of the "god" plots. In an era of superhero movies Star Trek was doing the Loki thing ages ago. All this Nolan grittiness needs a counterbalance of good ole sci-fi, over the top campy godvillains.
Yes, it dealt with weighty subjects but it also was a fun space adventure.

Which is exactly the reason why Star Trek IV and VI are my favorite Star Trek movies ;) And why I think Star Trek '09 is somewhat lacking. It's a fun space adventure that's got a lot of awesome character interaction, but it didn't get into the 'weighty subjects' part (which is ironic because it's a movie where a freakin' planet gets destroyed) - and I wanted to see a return of that in the sequel. And by 'weighty subjects' I mean dealing with themes that are more... 'global', I guess, and are somewhat beyond the personal relationships of the characters or the character development (and, yeah, ST '09 deals awesomely with the latter ones).
Very Interesting information
apparently Alice Eve will be playing
Carol Marcus (mother of kirk's son from wrath of khan)
also Klingons will be back with removable helmets this time
and the guy behind the glass in the trailer is
also the villan's name now is John Harrison.... uh? probably a placeholder one
Stop teasing us JJ! :p
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