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Star Trek Into Darkness


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... now has its own thread for XII-specific news/buzz/reviews/discussion. :)


Could be Borg related...
I did not know Nolan shot the sequel of TDKR so fast! ;)

More seriously: I'm going to watch this one anyway.
Wait and see.
Hey, who put this Batman poster here? :p
He is definitely playing Gary Mitchell. No doubt about it. There is no chance he is playing Khan
^ Awesomeness Rogue! PURE AWESOMENESS!!! :lol::lol::lol:
But I agree, I definitely do not think Cumberbatch is playing Khan.

99.9% certain it is Gary Mitchell. The only other established character I think it remotely could be is Colonel Green, though in the Trek Prime Timeline he was in the late 21st Century.
oh wait! It could also be Captain Garth of Izar! Or what about Kodos?

...but yeah, safe bet is still Gary Mitchell. :p
bionicbob said:
oh wait! It could also be Captain Garth of Izar! Or what about Kodos?

Don't blame me, I voted for Garth.
Still hope for a new character without too much baggage
-heads to wikipedia to look up Gary Mitchell- i know i'm still a trek newbie a bit. at least in regards to the TOS and such. grew up watching TNG with my Dad. and enjoyed Enterprise. but the '09 movie was what really got me into Trek.
I loved the last one, Star Trek in general, and J.J. Abrams. So I'm pumped.

Also, going to have to agree that I think it will be Gary Mitchell. At least I hope it is. That would be awesome.
steelio2006 said:
...but the '09 movie was what really got me into Trek.

and people were whining that the new trek would not make people interested in the old trek! glad you found your way to TOS
see i'm kinda more looking forward to Trek more than anything besides The Clone Wars tv show for Star Wars. mostly cause kinda been enjoying Trek bit more than I have Star Wars.

plus it looks like the movie is gonna be a bit dark. which is good. and it'll be cool to see Chris Pine as Captain Kirk once again. since that character pretty much ended up becoming one of my favorites from the first one.
Have to admit I'm not hyped about this one. I'm sure it'll find it's audience, and when the first one came out I thought it was so good I saw it twice, but now that I'm older and I've watched some Trek and most if not all of SF Debris' Trek reviews, I don't think that the new film really captured what Star Trek was. It feels more like a Star Wars blockbuster, which is fine, but I doubt I'll be so enthusiastic about this one to see it twice.
Sunarep said:
and people were whining that the new trek would not make people interested in the old trek! glad you found your way to TOS

I still have a hard time watching TOS. I just find it too corny. However, I did grow up waching TNG and recently re-watched the entire series and found it quite entertaining. I tried to follow that with DS9 and only made it 6 episodes or so. Found that very boring. I hope to give TOS another shot though one day.

Nic Stiz said:
I don't think that the new film really captured what Star Trek was. It feels more like a Star Wars blockbuster, which is fine, but I doubt I'll be so enthusiastic about this one to see it twice.

The ST movies were never blockbusters, so if the re-imagined Trek movie did exceptionally well and drummed up interest in any of the classic series and movies then even better. There is a place for it all.
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